[Problem] Cabela's Outdoor Adventures 2010

Kłopot z instalacją, działaniem lub przejściem gry? Pisz!



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Topic author

Średnio zaawansowany

Posty: 72

Rejestracja: 2 lut 2006, 16:41

Lokalizacja: Zachodnie pomoże

Post autor: Machina » 4 lut 2011, 20:03

[Problem] Cabela's Outdoor Adventures 2010

Witam, mam problem z grą Cabela's Outdoor Adventures 2010... Problem polega na tym że już na starcie wyskakuje:

PS: http://zapodaj.net/images/7d8f86a6de4e.png

Dodatkowo treść błędu (z print screen'a):

Kod: Zaznacz cały

Error in file .\Platform\Win32\Sound\SoundClientXAudio2.cpp at line 119 in function cAudioClientXAudio2::Init:
Failed to create the audio submix voice
ERROR_EXIT: Program execution suspended

SymInit: Symbol-SearchPath: 'C:\PROGRAM FILES\ACTIVISION\FUN LABS\CABELA'S OUTDOOR ADVENTURES\BIN\;.;C:\Program Files\Activision\FUN Labs\Cabela's Outdoor Adventures\Bin;C:\Program Files\Activision\FUN Labs\Cabela's Outdoor Adventures\Bin;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\system32;', symOptions: 528, UserName: 'Obarzanek'
OS-Version: 6.0.6002 (Service Pack 2) 0x100-0x1

c:\2002\src\game\enginedll\debug\src\debugstackwalkerwin32.cpp (990): StackWalker::ShowCallstack
c:\2002\src\game\enginedll\debug\src\debugsystem.cpp (699): cDebugSystem::SendToLogRaiseException
c:\2002\src\game\enginedll\platform\win32\sound\soundclientxaudio2.cpp (119): cAudioClientXAudio2::Init
c:\2002\src\game\enginedll\platform\win32\sound\soundxaudio2.cpp (40): cSndDriver::Init
c:\2002\src\game\enginedll\core\src\sound\soundmanager.cpp (301): cSndManager::UseSound
c:\2002\src\game\enginedll\core\src\sound\soundmanager.cpp (245): cSndManager::Init
c:\2002\src\game\enginedll\core\src\sound\soundmanager.cpp (81): InitSound
004092DE (COA): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
00403825 (COA): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
0040A1E2 (COA): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
8B088B00 ((module-name not available)): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
50428B11 ((module-name not available)): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
80A3D0FF ((module-name not available)): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
C30041E1 ((module-name not available)): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
CCCCCCCC ((module-name not available)): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
FFCCCCCC ((module-name not available)): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
41518C15 ((module-name not available)): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
C3C03300 ((module-name not available)): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
CCCCCCCC ((module-name not available)): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
33CCCCCC ((module-name not available)): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
0004C2C0 ((module-name not available)): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
CCCCCCCC ((module-name not available)): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
CCCCCCCC ((module-name not available)): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
A1CCCCCC ((module-name not available)): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
0041510C (COA): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
74003883 ((module-name not available)): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
00EB116F (EngineDll8r): (filename not available): EngIoToolIsBinkMovie
06E920E0 ((module-name not available)): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
Nie za bardzo wiem co jest 5 ... myślę że sterowniki są ok, DirectX zaktualizowany do najnowszej wersji + doinstalowałem komponenty z płytki z grą... trochę szkoda, kasa wydana a gra nie działa...

Proszę o pomoc, nie wiem co więcej mogę wam powiedzieć, po prostu po kilku instalkach na C:/ na D:/ i ponownych uruchomieniach komputera wszystko dalej tak samo ...

P.S. Przed chwilą sprawdzałem na komputerze kolegi i gra działa bez zarzutów ... Teraz naprawdę nie wiem co robić ...



Awatar użytkownika

Profesor Świata

Posty: 847

Rejestracja: 5 sie 2007, 01:16

Lokalizacja: Ługi

Post autor: Capon » 5 lut 2011, 15:20

Re: [Problem] Cabela's Outdoor Adventures 2010

Spróbuj przeinstalować stery od karty dźwiękowej.

Kod: Zaznacz cały

Ew. znajdź ten pliczek w necie SoundClientXAudio2.cpp i go zamień.


Awatar użytkownika

Topic author

Średnio zaawansowany

Posty: 72

Rejestracja: 2 lut 2006, 16:41

Lokalizacja: Zachodnie pomoże

Post autor: Machina » 5 lut 2011, 16:11

Re: [Problem] Cabela's Outdoor Adventures 2010

Co do przeinstalowania sterów to zrobię to wieczorkiem i powiem czy dało radę... a co do pliku SoundClientXAudio2.cpp nie ma tego w internecie aczkolwiek wydaje mi się że jest to plik z gry ... dołączę "debug'a" :

Kod: Zaznacz cały

Cabela's Outdoor Adventures (build 1829 - Aug 27 2009)
Copyright (C) 2000-2009, Chameleon Engine.

[SYSTEM  ] InitEngineDll Ok
[SYSTEM  ] InitCommonDll Ok
[APP     ] Registry error: unable to open registry !
[APP     ] Home Path = '.\..\COA09_dx9\'
[APP     ] Application 'Cabela's Outdoor Adventures' started
[APP     ] Current application path       : C:\Program Files\Activision\FUN Labs\Cabela's Outdoor Adventures\bin\COA.exe
[APP     ] Application received WM_ACTIVATEAPP: 1
[APP     ] Application received focus
[INPUT   ] Input acquire
[SYSTEM  ] Render Formats:
[SYSTEM  ] 	Target Formats:
[SYSTEM  ] 		R5G6B5
[SYSTEM  ] 		A1R5G5B5
[SYSTEM  ] 		A4R4B464
[SYSTEM  ] 		L16
[SYSTEM  ] 		R16F
[SYSTEM  ] 		A2R10G10B10
[SYSTEM  ] 		A2B10G10R10
[SYSTEM  ] 		X8R8G8B8
[SYSTEM  ] 		A8R8G8B8
[SYSTEM  ] 		G16R16
[SYSTEM  ] 		G16R16F
[SYSTEM  ] 		R32F
[SYSTEM  ] 		A16B16G16R16
[SYSTEM  ] 		A16B16G16R16F
[SYSTEM  ] 		A32B32G32R32F
[SYSTEM  ] 		D16
[SYSTEM  ] 		D16
[SYSTEM  ] 		D24S8
[SYSTEM  ] 		D24X8
[SYSTEM  ] 		D32F
[SYSTEM  ] 	Plain Texture Formats:
[SYSTEM  ] 		A8
[SYSTEM  ] 		L8
[SYSTEM  ] 		R5G6B5
[SYSTEM  ] 		A1R5G5B5
[SYSTEM  ] 		A4R4B464
[SYSTEM  ] 		A8L8
[SYSTEM  ] 		L16
[SYSTEM  ] 		R16F
[SYSTEM  ] 		A2R10G10B10
[SYSTEM  ] 		A2B10G10R10
[SYSTEM  ] 		X8R8G8B8
[SYSTEM  ] 		A8R8G8B8
[SYSTEM  ] 		G16R16
[SYSTEM  ] 		G16R16F
[SYSTEM  ] 		R32F
[SYSTEM  ] 		A16B16G16R16
[SYSTEM  ] 		A16B16G16R16F
[SYSTEM  ] 		A32B32G32R32F
[SYSTEM  ] 		D16
[SYSTEM  ] 		D24S8
[SYSTEM  ] 		D24X8
[SYSTEM  ] 		D32F
[SYSTEM  ] 	Cube Texture Formats:
[SYSTEM  ] 		A8
[SYSTEM  ] 		L8
[SYSTEM  ] 		R5G6B5
[SYSTEM  ] 		A1R5G5B5
[SYSTEM  ] 		A4R4B464
[SYSTEM  ] 		A8L8
[SYSTEM  ] 		L16
[SYSTEM  ] 		R16F
[SYSTEM  ] 		A2R10G10B10
[SYSTEM  ] 		A2B10G10R10
[SYSTEM  ] 		X8R8G8B8
[SYSTEM  ] 		A8R8G8B8
[SYSTEM  ] 		G16R16
[SYSTEM  ] 		G16R16F
[SYSTEM  ] 		R32F
[SYSTEM  ] 		A16B16G16R16
[SYSTEM  ] 		A16B16G16R16F
[SYSTEM  ] 		A32B32G32R32F
[SYSTEM  ] 	Volume Texture Formats:
[SYSTEM  ] 		A8
[SYSTEM  ] 		L8
[SYSTEM  ] 		R5G6B5
[SYSTEM  ] 		A1R5G5B5
[SYSTEM  ] 		A4R4B464
[SYSTEM  ] 		A8L8
[SYSTEM  ] 		L16
[SYSTEM  ] 		R16F
[SYSTEM  ] 		A2R10G10B10
[SYSTEM  ] 		A2B10G10R10
[SYSTEM  ] 		X8R8G8B8
[SYSTEM  ] 		A8R8G8B8
[SYSTEM  ] 		G16R16
[SYSTEM  ] 		G16R16F
[SYSTEM  ] 		R32F
[SYSTEM  ] 		A16B16G16R16
[SYSTEM  ] 		A16B16G16R16F
[SYSTEM  ] 		A32B32G32R32F
[SOUND   ] Initializing sound...
[SYSTEM  ] *** LUA 'lua:Eng_SoundClientXAudio2' USES FOR GC : 60k (61448 bytes)
'Error' in file '.\Platform\Win32\Sound\SoundClientXAudio2.cpp' at line 119 in function 'cAudioClientXAudio2::Init':
Failed to create the audio submix voice
ERROR_EXIT: Program execution suspended
CallStack :

SymInit: Symbol-SearchPath: 'C:\PROGRAM FILES\ACTIVISION\FUN LABS\CABELA'S OUTDOOR ADVENTURES\BIN\;.;C:\Program Files\Activision\FUN Labs\Cabela's Outdoor Adventures\bin;C:\Program Files\Activision\FUN Labs\Cabela's Outdoor Adventures\bin;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\system32;', symOptions: 528, UserName: 'Obarzanek'
OS-Version: 6.0.6002 (Service Pack 2) 0x100-0x1

c:\2002\src\game\enginedll\debug\src\debugstackwalkerwin32.cpp (990): StackWalker::ShowCallstack
c:\2002\src\game\enginedll\debug\src\debugsystem.cpp (699): cDebugSystem::SendToLogRaiseException
c:\2002\src\game\enginedll\platform\win32\sound\soundclientxaudio2.cpp (119): cAudioClientXAudio2::Init
c:\2002\src\game\enginedll\platform\win32\sound\soundxaudio2.cpp (40): cSndDriver::Init
c:\2002\src\game\enginedll\core\src\sound\soundmanager.cpp (301): cSndManager::UseSound
c:\2002\src\game\enginedll\core\src\sound\soundmanager.cpp (245): cSndManager::Init
c:\2002\src\game\enginedll\core\src\sound\soundmanager.cpp (81): InitSound
004092DE (COA): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
00403825 (COA): (filename not available): (function-name not available)

[INPUT   ] Input unacquire
[APP     ] Application loses focus
[INPUT   ] Input acquire
[APP     ] Application received focus